Hey guys It’s Steph!And I don’t know what to post; this for the sake of posting something! (AHEMMM, Kat!) Ooo, I got! We can make up a weird story, Dip. (And anyone else can be a part too.) So, I…

Briefcase In Hand ch 5- Zachary’s POV
I jumped out a window today, Mom. I woke up on a train today chained to a briefcase chained to the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, Mom, and she’s amazing. She jumped out of a window with me because…
A Story Continued (Part 3)
Mark gives me a sly grin, like he’s just remembered what he was doing. “You are are so stupid” I say as I jog past him toward the commotion. Why does he do this stuff? I just don’t get it.…
Out the window (B.I.H ch4)
I watch Zachary’s blue eyes through the glass of his too-big glasses as he leans down to look at the writing on the briefcase and brush my dark blond hair behind my ear. I’ve never been this close to an…
A Story Continued (Part 2)
My brother stares at me with wide eyes. “How?” “Look, first you gotta leave this women alone. Right now. Apologize for being such a rude… person. Then maybe I will talk to you” I say. I extend my hand down…
Briefcase In Hand, chapter 3
Here we go. I’ll start with a little snippet of my life: what I did today. Answer: absolutely nothing. It is only 1:30. All I’ve done so far today is make my bed, attempt to clean my room, check my…
Briefcase in Hand, chapter 2
Continued from last post: A smile curves up the man’s face. It does not seem to fit on the face of the man who is pointing a gun at us. “Come on.” he turns around and starts walking at a…
A story
“Let go of me!” she screams as the man jumps her. I run to catch up with him. “Now, young lady you are not going to say a word more” he says with his hands over her mouth, “and I…
Story #1
“Where am I?” A girl, around my age, poofy blondish hair and beautiful and a strange numbness in my right hand. She stares at me, and it takes me a little more than my usual fraction of a second to…