The List

Hey guys It’s Steph! So basically, (to anyone who’s reading this) you are probably wondering what The List is right? (Unless you are Daniela) The List is Daniela’s and my list of things or like activities to do in the summer. But what don’t have much time, because school starts this coming Wednesday, so we need to hurry up. Anywho, here’s The List, and this is sort of a reminder to do this stuff. (Got it, Dip?)
The List 
– Camping/camp out ~ (~ means check or done)
– Sleepover ~
– Garden?
– Mall
– Bowling
– Biking
– Lemonade Stand
– Terrarium?
I put question marks next to 2 things because not sure about them, I think Daniela was just saying things and said them. (Tell me if I’m wrong, though.) Yeah. School starts soon, I can’t believe! I’m in 7th grade! Anyway, see ya later dudes!
-Steph <3 (dreamergirl123)
P.S. Check out my videos on youtube @ dreamergirl123!

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