Yeah, say that one more time:
Amen. To. Summer.
You’d better agree with me- sure, school isn’t too bad or anything, but…summer rocks. Anyway, the reason I’m so thankful at the moment: my parents bought us these summer workbooks at the beginning of the summer so that our brains don’t get all mushy, right? And I hadn’t done any of it for a couple of days because we’re in Seattle visiting our cousins. Of course, since my parents have such. good. memories, my bro and I had to start doing it again this morning. I was all like:
Horrible, right? Pity me, I thought. Then I thought, no, pity the kids who go to summer school. Or the ones who get crappy 3 week summers. Pity them. That’s why I am thanking my parents for making me go to a school that isn’t year-round, dragging me out of bed each morning, and pouring water on my head if I don’t get up within the allowed 30 minute period.
Thank you. Because without summer I would die. Without summer my soul and brain would rot inside my body and leave me to be a numb zombie that only lives on tea and chocolate and candy. Without summer I would never have the courage to cut my hair shorter or dye my hair or get a henna tattoo which, mind you, is not permanent.
Anyway, what I did today isn’t really worth mentioning, so none of that today. You’ll have to wait for Stephanie to hear a narrated day, because my day, as mentioned a sentence back, isn’t worth mentioning. Yesterday, though, or the day before….
Okay? I’m a procrastinator, a huge one, so…yeah, not much to say there. Get used to it. Keep calm, drink lemonade, and be thankful for summer. Bye-
Daniela (catch phrase found)
I LOVE summer too!!! When you have the time to get bored is when the best ideas are born!!
“Amen to summer” actually means “I believe to summer”, but I understand what you are talking about.
Is the workbook that you got called “Summer Bridge activities” because my mom got me that too. Blah.